Spring/Summer Workshops 2018

Sunday 25th March 1pm – 4pm –  FULLY BOOKED

Needle Felted Rabbits   £25.


Sunday 8th April 10am – 1pm

Beginners Crochet Shawl   £30

Learn to crochet a colourful shawl by working backwards and forwards.  Make matching tassels.  Suitable for beginners and intermediates.

Price includes yarn, please bring 4 mm hook if you have one, or one can borrowed or bought on the day.


Sunday 22nd April 10.30am – 3.30pm

Needle Felted Landscapes £45

Build up colour and texture to make a landscape picture.

Light refreshments provided but please bring your own lunch.


Thursday 7th June 5pm – 8pm

Needle Felt Hummingbird £25

Using wool sculpt a hummingbird with needle felt techniques.

Suitable for beginners.  All materials provided.

Light refreshments available.


Thursday 28th June 5pm – 8pm

Shawl Anatomy £27.50

Learn to knit different shaped shawls.  Basic knitting knowledge needed (knit and purl).

Materials provided, but please bring your own needles. (2.75mm, 3mm, or 3.25mm).

Light refreshments available.


Thursday 19th July 5pm – 8pm

Beginners Crochet Shawl  £30

Learn to crochet a colourful shawl by working backwards and forwards.  Make matching tassels.

Suitable for beginners and intermediates.

Price includes yarn, but please bring 4mm hook if you have one.

Booking Workshop Places

Please book workshops by phoning the shop on 01694 724041 between 10am – 4.30pm (answerphone outside of these hours), or by emailing info@cocoalpacas.co.uk