About Us

India, Indra & Ifan
The alpacas adapted very well to the French climate as we were living near to the Pyrennees, so it was hot and dry with poorer pasture. While living in France the herd grew to a total of 18 Huacaya alpacas after having more cria and rescuing a few along the way. On returning to Church Stretton in Shropshire all the alpacas came back with me, some of which had been with me all the time.
Unfortunately in August 2020 I got covid which developed into Long Covid and I was very poorly and couldn’t cope with the alpacas so I had to come to a very diffcult decision of selling them. They all went to good homes not far from Shroshire and I’m always hearing how they are getting on, which is nice.
The reason for breeding the alpacas was to produce a lovely fibre which I could sell and use for hand knitted products. I had the alpacas for 15 years, so have accumulated alot of fibre which I had processed which means I can carry on selling the yarn and the hand knitted accessories at local markets and shows. Now that I have recovered I am considering getting a few alpacas as I do miss them – so watch this space!