January – March 2018
We’ve had a bit of lapse with our blogs so I propose for 2018 I will write them quarterly. Facebook is our way of letting you know what we have been doing and what events are coming up. If you haven’t seen our Face book page just type in Coco Alpacas and have a look and if you like it then please click on Like at the top of the page as this increases our following and credibility!
We had a very busy run up to Christmas with me doing Christmas markets and fairs and the shop keeping busy with local trade and customers coming from further afield. Since Christmas we have been running various workshops which are proving to be very popular and are getting to be booked up very quickly.
We have done a landscaped needle felting day and some beginner crochet afternoons. On March 25th we are doing an Easter Rabbit needle felting workshop just in time for Easter so that will be fun.
Needle Felted Bunnies
Keep an eye on Facebook and the website to see what’s coming up, and you if you want to come and try one of our workshops you definitely need to book early!
All the alpacas are well and have coped with this somewhat challenging winter! Two lots of snow which means extra work with feeding and watering especially with minus degree temperatures freezing all the outside water taps and pipes. I’m getting very strong arms carrying buckets of water from the house – hopefully it won’t be many more as it starting to thaw today.

In the Snow!
The British Alpaca National show is coming up this month on March 24th/25th at Telford International Centre. We will be having a trade stand there for the 2 days and we will also be entering some of our Alpaca yarn (which will be hand dyed), hand knit, crochet and woven accessories into the Fibre Zone competition. First time we have done this so we’ll see how we get on.
So please come and visit our stand if you are coming to the show. It’s well worth a visit with 500 alpacas all under one roof being shown in various classes depending on colour, age and sex over the 2 days. Also some of the proceeds go to Severn Hospice in Shrewsbury, so a very good cause!
Up and Coming events
Shrewsbury – the 1st Friday of the month
Ludlow – the 4th Thursday of the month
British Alpaca Show – March 24th/25th 9am – 5pm
Coco Workshops:-
Needle Felted Rabbits – Sunday 25th March 1pm-4pm £25
Beginners Crochet Shawl – Sunday 8th April 10am – 1pm £30
Needle Felted Landscapes – Sunday 22nd April 10.30am – 3.30pm £45
To book workshops either phone the shop 01694 724041 – shop opening hours 10am –4.30pm (answerphone outside these hours) or by emailing info@cocoalpacas.co.uk
Looking forward to Spring!