
May 2016

Events in the shop May 2016

Thursday 12th May – Spinning Workshop with Fiona Nisbet.  Learn how to spin or become more proficient with your spinning!  Fiona will bring different fibres to spin with and if you don’t have a spinning wheel there will be different ones to try.  10.30am – 3pm.  Cost £65.00.

April 2016

Events in The shop April 2016

Thursday April 28th –  Inkle Loom Demonstration by Fiona Nisbet 10.30 am – 3pm.  An Inkle loom is a small narrow loom used for weaving braids, belts, straps, shoelaces.  Fiona will demonstrate how to warp the loom up and weave different types of braids etc.

Saturday April 30th –  Yarn Shop Day    is to help promote local wool shops and is sponsored by The British Wool Marketing Board.


10.30am – 5 pm


Well known author, designer and knitting expert Val Pierce from Shrewsbury will be visiting the shop in the morning to inspire local knitters & crocheters and offer free tips & advice. Some of her published books will be available to buy.

First 20 customers to arrive after 10.30 will receive free goody bags.

Up to 40% off selected yarns bought on the day.

During the day complimentary knitting/crochet patterns will be available of a headband designed by Val Pierce made in Coco Alpaca wool, a brightly coloured crochet monkey and a knitted pocket size elephant!

Throughout the day there will ongoing advice & tuition for beginners & accomplished knitters/crocheters.

monkey & elephant

March 2016

March 2016 Workshops at 9 High Street, Church Stretton

Wednesday 9th – Crochet/knitting taster session 12.30 – 2.30 pm. £15 per session

Wednesday 16th – Crochet/knitting taster session 12.30 – 2.30 pm.  £15 per session

Friday 18th – Beginners sock workshop – Fully Booked

Wednesday 23rd – knitting/crochet taster session 12.30 – 2.30 pm. £15 per session

Wednesday 30th – knitting/crochet taster session 12.30 – 2.30 pm.  £15 per session

Please email if interested in booking  any of these sessions as places are limited to 4 places .


February 2016

February 2016 Workshops at 9 High Street, Church Stretton

Wed Feb 10 & 24th – Beginners Knitting.12.30 am – 2.30 pm
Fee £15.00 for 2 hours.  Max 4 places

Wed Feb 3rd  & 17th – Beginners Crochet     12.30 am – 2.30 pm
Fee £15.00 for 2 hours.  Max 4 places

Thurs Feb 18th – Spinning Demonstration Day with Fiona Nisbet 10.30am – 3pm
Just call in to watch Fiona spin and ask her any questions you may have.

Fri Feb 26th – Beginners Sock workshop 10.30 am – 2.30 pm
Fee £40.  Max 3 places –  2 places left

If you are interested in the workshops then please email, or call in to the shop, as we have limited spaces.

January 2016


Drop in Sessions – will be taking place every Wednesday morning starting on January 13th, free-of-charge at the Coco Alpacas shop (9 High Street, Church Stretton) between 10.30 am and 12 pm. These slots provid an opportunity for people to come and talk about their current knitting or crochet project over a cup of coffee.

Beginners Crochet and knitting sessions will be held on Wednesday afternoons at the shop between 1.30 and 3.30 pm starting on January 20th. The first session will be dedicated to beginners crochet and the next session will be beginners knitting.  We will continue to alternate crochet and knitting throughout January and February.  These are taster sessions to learn the basics and you can progress at your own pace.  Please bring your own crochet hooks, knitting needles and yarn; if you don’t have these essentials then we are happy to supply them with a 10% discount on the normal price.  The charge for the 2 hour session is £15 and each slot is for a maximum of 4 people.

Weaving Demonstration – Fiona Nisbet will be staging a weaving demonstration on Thursday January 21st, from 10.30am until 3pm at the shop.  Fiona will show us how to warp a Samplelt loom and a Knitters Loom and explain the process of weaving simple weaves.  If you are interested in weaving then please do come along.

Beginners Sock Workshop – Taking place on Friday January 29th from 10.30 am – 2.30 pm at the shop.  This workshop will demonstrate a step-by-step process of how to knit a sock.  At the end of the day you will come away with a completed miniature sock!  Please bring your own needles and yarn – if you don’t have them we can supply giving a 10% discount.  The price of this workshop is £40 and includes tea, coffee and a sandwich.  Max number of people is 3.  This workshop will be repeated on Friday February 26th.

December 2015


The shop will close for Christmas from Christmas Eve lunchtime at 1.30pm and will re-open on Monday 4th January 2016.

I’m pleased to announce that the winning name for our wooden alpaca in the shop window is ‘Andy’!  There were two winners, Trish Howard and Thelma Thompson, both from Church Stretton.

November 2015


Shop Opening – Saturday 14th November 10am at 9 High Street, Church Stretton, Shropshire

Wizard and Derby (2 alpacas) will be in the square, High Street, Church Stretton for the opening from 10am – 1pm!

October 2015


Church Stretton Craft Market at the Scout Hut 9am – 2pm

September 2015


Saturday 12th September – Artisan Craft Fair, St Laurence Church, Ludlow. 9am-4pm

Saturday 19th September – ‘Enterprising Women’ -Church Stretton Business Women’s Group’ St Parish Centre, Church Road, Church Stretton. 10am – 2pm

August 2015


Ludlow Market – Thursday 13th August

Burwarton Show Bridgnorth, Shropshire – Thursday 6th August

Ludlow Green Festival, Ludlow Market – Sunday 30th August